New Blog

January 7, 2014 by

The Atomic Precision blog is now live and being updated daily. Visit to see the latest news and catch up on the major new developments in unified field theory.

It’s been revamped and is being updated daily in 2014.


Unified Physics Institute of Technology

March 6, 2010 by

Check out the new Unified Physics Institute of Technology at

Update on the Blog

January 8, 2010 by

Dr. Evans has established a new personal blog where he will continue to post as usual about topics of science, history, poetry and politics.

Please visit to continue to follow him.

Objection to Mynydd y Gwair Proposal

January 7, 2010 by

This is my strong objection to the N Power Wind Turbine proposal, and I am looking into the possibility of taking out a Civil Court Injunction against the Proposal. I urge all twenty opposition groups and numerous individuals to take out Civil Court Injunctions to stop the proposal. There can be little or no confidence in planning procedures because democracy is often over-ruled or ignored. I urge Unions to boycott the site, prevent construction, supplies, and so on.


Fundamental Development of Dynamics

January 6, 2010 by

This is a new phase of ECE theory and a fundamental development of dynamics to show that there exist a total of forty eight fundamental accelerations in ECE dynamics, Newtonian, Eulerian and so on.


Open Letter to First Minister Rhodri Morgan

January 6, 2010 by

Dear Mr Morgan,

I would like to refer your staff to the source documents on , documents which reveal discrimination against me by the University of Wales in respect of employment. I may test this soon with a Court case. I am a fluent Welsh speaker and the most senior scientist in Britain in many respects, but all my applications for employment within the University of Wales have been systematically rejected since about 1978, a span of over thirty years. This is obvious ethnic discrimination for which the University may be sued. Recent case law has shown that events that took place within the University of Wales form 1978 to 1983 would now be considered to be a common assault (bullying or repeated verbal and psychological abuse). My distinguished contributions to Britain as a whole have been recognized by now with two British High honours, but I am still locked out of the University of Wales. This is obvious discrimination against Welsh speakers inside Wales. In fact hardly any member of staff of the University of Wales is able to speak Welsh. There is a need for a true University of Wales in which all its staff members are fully competent in the Welsh langugae.

Prof. Myron Wyn Evans, Gent., B. Sc., Ph. D., D. Sc. (Wales).
British Civil List Pensioner in Science,
President A.I.A.S.

Nature of Blog

January 6, 2010 by

The material appearing on this blog is the sole responsibility of Prof. Myron Wyn Evans, (not AIAS or any other party), and the blog is his personal blog. As a well known public figure as well as a scientist, Prof. Evans comments on several issues, not just ECE theory.

Papers 141 and 142

January 6, 2010 by

Many thanks to the Alex Hill Company for typesetting these and translating into Spanish.





Feedback for 2009

January 4, 2010 by

This was outstanding and is recorded as attached.


Mynydd y Gwair Planning Objection Form

January 3, 2010 by

To whom it may concern

I request anyone anywhere in the world who is concerned with basic freedom and democracy to fill out one of these forms and return it to Cardiff either by mail or by e mail. A civil court injunction may also be taken out by all parties combined against this greed ridden assault because it is unlawful. It will completely destroy a unique ecology ( for no reason except that of human greed. There is no global warming, carbon dioxide does not cause runaway global warming, and on a cold windless winter’s day, wind turbines would not generate the warmth of a single coal fire. This form does not bother to use my earned titles of Professor and Gentleman, and did not even bother to use the Welsh language, that of half the people here in Mawr, and my own native language. Even minor damage of the environment is prohibited by Swansea Council by laws, so why is complete destruction being touted so arrogantly? The answer is the crazed greed of an absentee landowner, David Somerset Duke of Beaufort working in collaboration with a foreign company.

Professor Myron Wyn Evans, Gent., B. Sc., Ph. D., D. Sc. (Wales) of Glyn Eithrym,
British Civil List Pensioner in Science,
President Alpha Institute for Advanced Study.
