Archive for October, 2009

Paper 137

October 31, 2009

This paper is starting its run now as monitored by feedback. This is the paper which shows that any attempt to create a unified field theory based on the Einstein field equation and Maxwell Heaviside theory is futile. It has been pointed out repeatedly by many colleagues that string theory is not physics at all, it is a subject that is being forced through the media as if it were physics. The end result is that there is no longer any academic authority in theoretical physics. Industrialists in particular are heavily critical of the useless morasse that physics has become. As seen in incidents such as those answered in paper 138, there is no longer scholarship, editors and referees allow papers through into print for personal reasons, or to bolster an already failed standard model. In great contrast, ECE theory goes from strength to strength.



October 31, 2009

I think I will spend some time in between other duties writing up a readable autobiography. Society is certainly not based on merit, and this will be a major theme of this book, where I will interleave prose and poetry to bring out the severe injustices to which I have been subjected, injustices which have never been righted. I have written quite a lot of autobiographical material, which has been used verbatim by Kerry Pendergast in his biography, with my permission and encouragement. Kerry amplified this with views of his own. One of the severe problems I encountered at the EDCL was the use of public funds to make appointments without advertisement or fair competition. That went on repeatedly in the EDCL so it is safe to assume that it was a commonplace practice in those days. This is not acceptable practice. In my case I competed for many prestigious fellowships and won a record number of them, but was cynically denied tenure. This again is not acceptable, and the verdict of history is that the people who behaved in such a way have disappeared into total obscurity. There is no way of measuring the impact they made if any. Impact can only be measured by the real time interest of scientists all over the world, and as the following postings show, ECE is making an unprecedented impact wholly without any support from universities. This is a situation in which academia refuses to recognize merit. So academia is ignored completely by the industrialists.

Appointment to Lucasian Professor of Mathematics

October 31, 2009

The appointment of an ultra abstract string theorist to this chair means that the chair no longer has anything to do with physics, because string theory has never been tested experimentally and can never be. The only unified field theory of physics that we have at present is ECE theory, which is based on experimental data and which has been thoroughly tested experimentally. This month there was interest in ECE from the new energy oversight department of the US Government, form the Governments of Spain and Poland. See next posting for all details. The readership of ECE ignores academic claims to have produced an unified field theory. ECE is the only theory capable of explaining the Tesla resonances and devices are already being manufactured ( based on ECE theory. Nothing at all can be built or manufactured in the basis of string theory, which is utterly irrelevant to the urgent energy needs of society. It must be asked why such an irrelevant appointment was made, and by whom in what manner.

Civil List Scientist

Feedback Activity for October 2009

October 31, 2009

This is found at the end of the attached file up to October 30th. This feedback selects only about 1 – 5 % of the huge amount of interest in ECE, the only unified field theory available at present that has gone into its industrial and manufacturing stage.


University Appointments Using Public Funds

October 30, 2009

These should always be advertised and filled on merit. Such was not the case at the EDCL in Aberystwyth in my experience, and I know that such is not the case at purportedly meritorious institutions. Appointments made with private funding are another matter.

Hawking’s Successor

October 30, 2009

It has been pointed out to me that Hawking’s successor has been named, but I am not really interested in this. In my experience, Cambridge appointments are made in a secretive way, and not particularly on merit. It is also possible to get in to Cambridge through the back door without any advertisement or open competition. Merit by association does not impress anyone. By reference to the attached it is seen that I competed for and won many Fellowships, but was cynically overlooked for tenure at the EDCL. This is largely why the place closed. It became uncompetitive after I was forced to leave. Enough years have passed now to show the verdict of history. Those that denied me tenure have gone into complete obscurity. The present head of department of chemistry at Cambridge, Bill Jones, was appointed without open competition by John Thomas, who used to appoint without open competition at the EDCL. I do not see any particular merit in that process.

Civil List Scientist


My Gough Descent

October 30, 2009

This is my Gough (Coch) descent from Tudor times.


Intense Interest in ECE Theory

October 30, 2009

This interest can be measured in a number of ways. For example it may be measured using the combined total of files downloaded (“hits”) for the two sites and . At present the running twelve month total of hits for is 889878 from Nov 2008 to Oct 2009 to date. The combined total with currently runs at over two million hits in a year. It has been at this level for a number of years. Details of the 1 – 5 % highest quality feedback are attached. Complete details are archived on computer and run into the order of a million visitors, who study ECE in detail and who ignore nonsense papers on ECE in purported journals of physics. So the way in which physics propagates has been changed – it is no longer controlled by a tiny and conservative elite. The refereeing system of journals has been accepted to be biased heavily against new thought.



Undergraduate Interest in ECE Theory

October 30, 2009

From feedback activity software it is seen that thousands of undergraduates study ECE theory each year, either from their university computers or from their private computers. This is a large percentage of the undergraduate population in physics. We can see for example that the university URL’s increase during semester or term time, and switch to private URL’s in the vacations. We have been studying this pattern for nearly six years daily. This means that the next generation of physicists will reject the standard model, which has collapsed. They may find ECE theory interesting. In a recent meeting at the Perimeter Institute it was concluded that a new paradigm shift is needed. Those people (who fondly describe themselves as “leading experts”) seem to be sublimely unaware of ECE theory, but they do agree that the old physics is gone.

Best Wishes to Professor Stephen Hawking

October 30, 2009

Best wishes to Professor Stephen Hawking on his retirement as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge. I have pointed out to him the errors in his various theories, but I always get an automated reply that he is too busy to communicate. Now that he is retired, he will no doubt have more time to discuss science with his colleagues. Appointments procedures at Cambridge are always something of a mystery, but it seems that a successor has been appointed in some way. I realize that he has courageously fought against severe ill health.